LGBT people in Iran and the UN Children’s Rights Committee
The UN Children’s Rights Committee, the sixth of Bahman (January 26, 2016) its final opinion on Iran’s compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child issued, with an emphasis on the rights of LGBT people, the Iranian government demanded that the provisions of this Convention times, the rights of sexual minorities protect under eighteen years.
In this document, the Convention on Children’s Rights Committee eight times and under four categories of the LGBT rights situation in Iran and the Islamic Republic authorities Jrmangashtn wants to stop same-sex relationships, eliminate discrimination against LGBT children, children’s rights activists cruel and degrading treatment against sexual harassment and support and access to information about sexual orientation and gender identity ease.
اهمیت تاکید مکرر کمیته حقوق کودک سازمان ملل بر حقوق دگرباشان جنسی، خصوصا از این جنبه است که از زمان الحاق ایران به کنوانسیون حقوق کودک، این نخستین بار است که این کمیته بهطور مشخص به مسئله دگرباشان جنسی در ایران اشاره و نگرانیهایی را در این مورد raises.
Iran and the Convention on the Rights of the Child,
Iran signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child Persian date Shahrivar 1369 and in July 1373 formally joined. Although Iran has ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child ratified the treaty but not without opposition and serious concerns. شورای نگهبان قانون اساسی در بهمن ۱۳۷۳ اعلام کرد که چندین مورد از جمله حق کودک بر شکل گیری دیدگاه هایش، حق کودک در آزادی بیان و حق جستجو و مسئولیت دولت در محدود نکردن کودک در آزادی گردهمایی و آماده سازی کودک برای زندگی برابر جنسی با شریعت Islamic incompatible.
According to this view, the parliament finally adopted the Convention on the rights of the child on the condition that whenever provisions in conflict with “domestic law and Islamic principles” is not mandatory by the government of Islamic Republic of Iran.
چنین شرط نامحدودی، در عمل پیمان حقوق کودک را بیثمر و ناکارا میسازد و به دولت ایران اجازه می دهد که از بسیاری از وظایف و تعهدهایی که این معاهده بر آنها تاکید کرده سر باز زند.
According to the regulations envisaged by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Iran has three times the performance of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has been investigated. Iran’s first performance review was conducted in 2000, the second in 2005 and third in 2016 took place.
In the third round of the review of the government’s official report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child presented its activities in the field of children’s rights. In contrast, several LGBT rights organizations and other civil society groups (including Amnesty International and the International Assembly of the Baha’is) also reports on child rights violations to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
According to information received, the Committee questions the UN Rights of the Child (also known as the “list of issues”) in Persian date Khordad 1394 for the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Persian date Mehr 1394 sent its official response to the “list of issues” raised offer.
نظر نهایی کمیته حقوق کودک و واکنش احتمالی دولت ایران
کمیته حقوق کودک درسند نهایی، از موارد زیر به عنوان مصادیق نقض حقوق دگرباشان جنسی زیر هجده سال در ایران نام برده و از دولت ایران خواسته به آنها رسیدگی کند:
در زمینه تبعیض؛
کمیته از تبعیض مداوم به دلیل گرایش جنسی ابراز نگرانی کرده و توصیه میکند که جمهوری اسلامی جرمانگاشتن و احکام سنگین کیفری (از شلاق تا اعدام) را به دلیل روابط همجنس متوقف کند و معیارهایی برای حذف تبعیض علیه کودکان دگرباش جنسی به کار take.
In the field of violence,
the Committee of Iran as a State party to the Treaty to ensure that LGBT children under Hudud and Qisas or sentences ranging from torture or cruel punishment and other degrading practices such as shock therapy, hormone therapy and prescribed powerful psychotropic drugs to “treat” the نگیرند و عاملان چنین رفتارهایی مسئول قلمداد شوند.
در زمینه سلامتی نوجوانان؛
این کمیته از عدم دسترسی به اطلاعات درباره هویت جنسیتی یا گرایش جنسی کودکان و اینکه اشخاص تراجنسیتی مجبور به عمل جراحی تغییرجنسیت شوند ابراز نگرانی کرده و خواستار فراهم بودن این اطلاعات و پایان دادن to have compulsory process for transgender surgery has been transgender.
In the field of educational, recreational and cultural activities,
the Committee is concerned that children LGBT harassment and expulsion from school for non-compliance with social norms of femininity or masculinity and the Islamic Republic recommends that prohibits bullying and harassment and prevent it and discipline.
Islamic Republic of Iran since its official position regarding the UN Children’s Rights Committee comments yet. Of course, more likely, simply present the Iranian government to respect fundamental changes in the field of children’s rights and the obligations of its global LGBT community is not, on the pretext of violation of the “Islamic law,” the soldier says.
In this case, the Children’s Rights Committee can not force Iran to fulfill its international obligations and is unable Islamic Republic of techniques such as economic sanctions or political sanctions, to respect the rights of all children, including children LGBT force.
But the Iranian government’s disregard for its international obligations to respect human rights in Iran in good status worldwide and produce political reputation is damaged.
In addition, regardless of whether the Islamic Republic asking what to react to this, the final terms of the UN Children’s Committee, reaffirmed the international community sensitivities of the Islamic Republic of Iran is not implementing human rights obligations; concerns about violations of gay rights Iran, UN human rights bodies have repeatedly raised.
Source: BBC